Ternary operator

Let's learn about ternary operators.
The functionality is similar to the if else statement.
It is composed of three terms and is called ternary operator.

How to Use the Ternary Operator

((Condition) ? Execute if condition is true : Execute if condition is false )

Isn't it hard to see how to use the above?
For example:

$number = ((1 == 1) ? 100 : 50)

In the example above, the condition of the ternary operator is 1 == 1. Of course 1 equals 1, so the condition is true.
If true, there is 100. Therefore, 100 is assigned to the value of the variable $number.
For example:

$number = ((1 == 2) ? 100 : 50)

In the example above, the condition of the ternary operator is 1 == 2. Of course 1 is not 2, so the condition is false.
If it is false, there is 50. So 50 is assigned to the value of the variable $number.
Let's find out more with the following example.

    for($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++){
        $oddEven = (($i % 2 == 0) ? 'even' : 'odd');
        echo "{$i}is {$oddEven}. <br>";
php image

Yes Use it in this case. It's convenient because I don't write if else complicatedly. ^^