Narco Saints (Movie)
"Narco-Saints" (Korean: 'Surinam") is a South Korean streaming television series directed and co-written by Yoon Jong-bin, and starring Ha Jung-woo, Hwang Jung-min, Park Hae-soo, Jo Woo-jin and Yoo Yeon-seok. Based on true events, the series depicts an ordinary entrepreneur who has no choice but to risk his life in joining the secret mission of government agents to capture a Korean drug lord operating in Suriname. It was released on September 9, 2022 on Netflix.
Production planned to be filmed at Dominican Republic from April last year, due to COVID-19 pandemic, the production was postponed indefinitely. Later,
production started filming on a set in South Korea from last April and decided
to shoot in Dominican Republic, not in Suriname, for about two months starting
in November.