'Carter' is a 2022 South Korean action thriller film directed by Jeong Byung-gil.


The movie 'Carter' starring Joo Won will be released on Netflix on August 5th. Set in the Korean Peninsula where the virus is rampant, after waking up after losing all memories, ace agent Carter (Joo Won), who is caught up in a mysterious operation without knowing the cause, must solve it. He have to control within the allotted time and complete missions with real-time action. It's a blockbuster movie.

'CARTER' - netflix movie

A man wakes up in a battered and bloodied motel room to realise he has lost all his memory. How he got there, what his name is and why the CIA is knocking down his door are questions he is grappling with. What’s worse is that there is an audio device embedded deep within his ear, giving him step-by-step instructions for survival. The woman’s voice tells him to trust her or else his wife and child back in North Korea will be in jeopardy; a family he cannot recall. He takes his name (Carter Lee) at face value, and with seemingly nothing to lose, goes along with what the voice has to say. The baddies come thick and fast (leaving him no choice but to kill or be killed) as he pieces together what little he can along the way. An unknown, deadly virus called the DMZ (originating from the Korean Demilitarised Zone) has swept both the Koreas and the United States. A renowned Korean epidemiologist has found a cure through his young daughter but has since gone missing.

The South and North throw slanderous accusations at one another even as rumours of a destabilising coup do the rounds. US Intelligence swoops in to protect its own interests. The child is of utmost priority. But where is she? Where is the doctor? Carter’s suicidal espionage mission to secure the girl and bring her to North Korea is being led by an unreliable voice inside his ear, a voice he is unsure of from the very beginning.